Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Real Guard of the School

Moli is ending his trip to London. And he has visited the Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives and he saw the Changing of the Guard.

But the Buckingham Palace is not the only one with a guard. Our school has another one, its mission is to take care of all the material in class, all their mates and help the teacher.

Look what awesome work they do!

They are incredible....we hope that they don't have the same problem that this...

Some of our Guards have gone for a walk in London, and they have found a famous pedestrian crossing. Do you recognize it?

And this way, Moli ends his trip to London. In the next days he will come back to our school and we will see where is the next place Moli will visits.

An eye, a duck and a lollipop in London?

Moli is in London, he is investigating what Aris asked him.

First of all, he discovered that lollipops...They are not candys! But they are people, in fact, they are women called Lollipop Ladies. They help children to cross the street in their way to school. Always in a pedestrian crossing.

Do you want to see them?

Here, in our country, we don't have lollipop ladies, but we have some people who help us to cross the streets, the policemen.

After that, Moli started to look for an Eye through the entire London. But he didn't find it, well, better said, he found a lot of them....Everyone have two eyes!

So, he asked his friend Alison and she gave the directions him the directions to get to The London Eye.

What a surprise! The London Eye is a Gigant Big Wheel!

Finally, Moli went next to the river Thames, which go across London, looking for a Duck, and of course, Moli imagined something like this:

Source: www.noticias24.com
But, it results that the Duck is an amphibious transport, The London Duck, a ship that can go into and out the water. And it can run in the streets of London and give you a trip down the river.

So, Moli, finally, found out all the questions that Aris has asked him. He was very happy!

But this is not the end of his trip to London...

In Duck by the Thames

First of all, I'm going to introduce our friend. The one who is going to travel with us through this new adventure for your children.

This is Moli,

And certainly, Moli is not new for your children, they know him from their pre-primary years, but, we think that the best way to introduce them to the primary years is being accompained by somebody they know very well.

Are your children new in the school? Do you want to know something more about Moli? Do you want to refresh who Moli is? Please click on the next link, and you will discover a lot of things about him.

Moli loves travel all around the world, and he loves mysteries too, so, today, he is very excited, he has received a letter from his friend Aris...

In the letter, Aris ask Moli some questions because:

"I have heard some tricky stuff, so can you find out if in London live Lollipop Ladies? Besides I heard that the city has an eye, but only one, is it true? Finally, somebody told me that in London, you can travel by duck....by duck? Please, Moli, I need your help!"

So, Moli has decided to travel to London...Do you want to go with him?

The purpose of this blog.

As I told in the previous post, this blog is born as part of the subject Computer Assisted Instruction In English.

So, the next posts are going to be as a classroom's blog.

In particular, I'm going to focuss the blog as a diary for parents and children, where as teacher, I'm going to post information about the project we are doing into the class.

This way, it can be a quick way of communication with parents and on the other hand, they can give me feedback through the comments.

Hello World!

Hello World!...These are the first words that we can find in lots of blogs o microblogs (twitter,...) if we go to their historical and look for the first post.

Why? Well, these words comes from a software which recived that name, "Hello World!", as a synonimus of "Everything is all right". And they are used as proof of configuration to ensure ourselve that the environment of develop, the compilation and the execution environment are properly installed and working.

In other words, it is a way to find out that everything works well. This sentence became such popular than today, lots of bloggers, twitters and others use it as presentation letter.

And of course, I'm not going to be less than that, despite this is not my first blog, it is the first post of this one, so I'm going to repeat:

This blog is born as a part of the subject Computer Assisted Instruction in English by Daniel Vega and it is organized by UCJC as a part of the Mención en Lengua Extranjera (Inglés).